Thursday, 16 September 2010

Ezekiel 25-27

1-5 God's Message came to me:
"Son of man, face Ammon and preach against the people: Listen to the Message of God, the Master. This is what God has to say: Because you cheered when my Sanctuary was desecrated and the land of Judah was devastated and the people of Israel were taken into exile, I'm giving you over to the people of the east. They'll move in and make themselves at home, eating the food right off your tables and drinking your milk. I'll turn your capital, Rabbah, into pasture for camels and all your villages into corrals for flocks. Then you'll realize that I am God.

The historian Oswald Spengler claimed the history of man was the history of nations and that the history of nations was the history of war. Life can be lived that way: Carve out your territory, defend it and hope others lose. Such a jealous, gloating territorial spirit will not end well.

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