Friday, 20 June 2008

Job 2-6

25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.

Fear is an entrance point for the enemy. When we spend our lives anxious or fearful of some particular thing, it limits us and conquers our joy, and even precipitates that very thing. For the believer lives by faith in God's provison and protection. When we lose our faith, stop trusting, and begin to fear, that which we fear is made far more likely to happen, because we've taken our eye off the bronze serpent. God spoke to Jeremiah and send don't be afraid of the people or I will allow you to be terrified before them. We have to live lives of fearless confidence in God's undeserved blessing, not struggle and strive for it as Job did: offering sacrifices for his kids every day in fear they might have sinned.

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