Friday 6 March 2009

Numbers 10-20

The Lord leads His people from Sinai to the plains of Moab...
The people begin complaining on various issues - they regret being freed, looking back on what they gave up, and forgetting the Lord's motivation to free them was their cry to Him! This ungrateful spirit ultimately reveals itself when the people refuse to enter the promised land, and we see that a lack of gratitude comes from a lack of faith. They do not believe the Lord is able to look after His people.
The Lord's response is simple - if you do not follow Him, you do not enter the promised land. Grace is evident - the people thought their children would become 'prey', but instead it is the children who will be the ones to enter the land. God gives enabling grace to the humble - those who follow like little children - but resists the proud.
Note also the provision of a plurality of elders to help Moses (chapter 11) and the provision of water from the rock (pointing us to the water of life found in Christ).

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